Node: SensorLink

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The SensorLink Input node allows you to connect to and read information from a Coolux SensorLink unit, including both encoder inputs, eight digital switches, and two analog inputs.

After configuring the IP address of a SensorLink unit you must power cycle the unit before attempting to read data from the device, otherwise the device will not stream changes, resulting in data that is not representative of the device's current state.

More information about the SensorLink hardware can be found in the Pandora's Box User Manual. Both Technical Information as well as Configuration Information is available.


Expected Type Details Default
localInterface LocalInterface The local network adapter that will be used to communicate with the SensorLink unit. LocalInterface("")
remoteAddress RemoteAddress/IP The address of the SensorLink unit on the network, including its port. The IP address of the unit can be configured using the Companions: SensorLink Configuration tool. Note that the traditional restriction imposed by WidgetDesigner of each SensorLink unit using a different port is not applicable with Waltz, and using a different port for each SensorLink unit is considered bad practice. IP("", 10011)
encoder1PositionSteps Number Note: This value is not represented by an Expression. The number of sensor steps in the first encoder.
encoder2PositionSteps Number Note: This value is not represented by an Expression. The number of sensor steps in the second encoder.


Type Details
encoder1Position Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The current raw position of the first encoder. This number is always between 0 and the encoder1PositionSteps value, and wraps around when it hits one of those limits. This value will be the minimum value of an integer until the SensorLink unit provides a position.
encoder1PositionRelative Number The current relative position of the first encoder. This number is not confined to a range, unlike the encoder1Position.
encoder1PositionDelta Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The amount of change in the position of the first encoder between the current frame and the previous frame.
encoder2Position Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The current raw position of the second encoder. This number is always between 0 and the encoder2PositionSteps value, and wraps around when it hits one of those limits. This value will be the minimum value of an integer until the SensorLink unit provides a position.
encoder2PositionRelative Number The current relative position of the second encoder. This number is not confined to a range, unlike the encoder2Position.
encoder2PositionDelta Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The amount of change in the position of the second encoder between the current frame and the previous frame.
analog1 Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the first analog sensor. This value will be between 0.0 and 1.0.
analog2 Number Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the second analog sensor. This value will be between 0.0 and 1.0.
switch1 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the first digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch2 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the second digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch3 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the third digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch4 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the fourth digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch5 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the fifth digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch6 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the sixth digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch7 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the seventh digital switch. This value will be either true or false.
switch8 Boolean Note: The parameter is read-only. The current value of the eighth digital switch. This value will be either true or false.


There are no functions exposed by this node.

Example Usage

No examples provided.

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