Node: Ease

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The Ease node allows you to apply a standard easing function to a number to create a new, eased, number. The range in which the easing is performed can be customized.


Expected Type Details Default
input Number or List<Number> The value, or list of values, that will have the easing function applied to them
Mode The easing function that will be applied to the input. Available easing modes are Sine (In), Sine (Out), Sine (In and Out), Cubic (In), Cubic (Out), Cubic (In and Out), Quint (In), Quint (Out), Quint (In and Out), Circ (In), Circ (Out), Circ (In and Out), Quad (In), Quad (Out), Quad (In and Out), Quart (In), Quart (Out), Quart (In and Out), Expo (In), Expo (Out), Expo (In and Out), Back (In), Back (Out), and Back (In and Out). For more information on these easing functions, see this Visual Guide to Easing Functions. Sine (In and Out)
rangeMinimum Number The minimum input value. The input will be rearranged based on this minimum, and the input will be clamped to the range between rangeMinimum and rangeMaximum. The output is normalized to this same range, but may be outside of the range if the easing function selected would result in a normalized value less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0. 0
rangeMaximum Number The maximum input value. The input will be rearranged based on this maximum, and the input will be clamped to the range between rangeMinimum and rangeMaximum. The output is normalized to this same range, but may be outside of the range if the easing function selected would result in a normalized value less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0. 1


Type Details
output Number or List<Number> Note: The parameter is read-only. The eased values calculated from the provided input. If there is more than one input, the output is a List, otherwise it is a single Number.


Arguments Returns Details
interpolate(x) Number x - The value to ease. Number Ease the provided number given the parameters of this node.

Example Usage

No examples provided.

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