Node: Logic

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The Logic node allows you to compare two values of Number, Boolean, or String type, or two lists of values of any of those same types. Values being compared of incompatible types will always result in an output of false. The way in which comparisons work is slightly different for each of the three supported types.

Supported Operations


Operation Result
Greater than (lhs > rhs) true if only the lhs is true, otherwise false
Greater than or equal to (lhs >= rhs) true if the lhs is true, otherwise false
Less than (lhs < rhs) true if only the rhs is true, otherwise false
Less than or equal to (lhs <= rhs) true if the rhs is true, otherwise false.
Equal to (lhs = rhs) true if both lhs and rhs are true or false, false if lhs and rhs are different
Not equal to (lhs != rhs) true if lhs and rhs are different, false if both lhs and rhs are equal
Or (lhs | rhs) true if either lhs or rhs are true, otherwise false
Exclusive or (lhs but not rhs | rhs but not lhs) true if only lhs or rhs is true, false if both lhs and rhs are true or are both false
And (lhs & rhs) true if both lhs and rhs are true, otherwise false


Operation Result
Greater than (lhs > rhs) true if lhs is greater than rhs, otherwise false
Greater than or equal to (lhs >= rhs) true if lhs is greater than or equal to rhs, otherwise false
Less than (lhs < rhs) true if lhs is less than rhs, otherwise false
Less than or equal to (lhs <= rhs) true if lhs is less than or equal to rhs, otherwise false
Equal to (lhs = rhs) true if lhs is equal to rhs, otherwise false
Not equal to (lhs != rhs) true if lhs is not equal to rhs, otherwise false
Or (lhs | rhs) rounds the lhs and rhs to the nearest whole number and performs a bitwise or operation
Exclusive or (lhs but not rhs | rhs but not lhs) rounds the lhs and rhs to the nearest whole number and performs a bitwise xor operation
And (lhs & rhs) rounds the lhs and rhs to the nearest whole number and performs a bitwise and operation


String logic is the most complicated of the three supported types upon which the logic node operates. The normal greater than, less than, equal, and not equal style comparisons are performed by comparing the strings alphabetically, meaning "Saint" is greater than "Bernard", but less than "Waltz". The And, Exclusive Or, and Or operations are more complicated and are described in depth below. These three operations are unintuitive, and have no practical purpose, but are implemented here to allow for parity in logic support across all types.

Operation Result
Greater than (lhs > rhs) true if lhs comes alphabetically after rhs, otherwise false
Greater than or equal to (lhs >= rhs) true if lhs comes alphabetically after rhs or is the same as rhs, otherwise false
Less than (lhs < rhs) true if lhs comes alphabetically before rhs, otherwise false
Less than or equal to (lhs <= rhs) true if lhs comes alphabetically before rhs or is the same as rhs, otherwise false
Equal to (lhs = rhs) true if lhs and rhs are the same, otherwise false
Not equal to (lhs != rhs) true if lhs and rhs are not the same, otherwise false
Or (lhs | rhs) a new String in which each character from lhs and rhs are converted to a Number, a bitwise or operation are performed on those numbers to produce a new number, and the new number is converted back to a character in the new String result
Exclusive or (lhs but not rhs | rhs but not lhs) a new String in which each character from lhs and rhs are converted to a Number, a bitwise xor operation are performed on those numbers to produce a new number, and the new number is converted back to a character in the new String result
And (lhs & rhs) a new String in which each character from lhs and rhs are converted to a Number, a bitwise and operation are performed on those numbers to produce a new number, and the new number is converted back to a character in the new String result


When a Null value is provided to both the lhs and rhs of any logic operation, the result will always be true.

Operation Result
Greater than (lhs > rhs) true
Greater than or equal to (lhs >= rhs) true
Less than (lhs < rhs) true
Less than or equal to (lhs <= rhs) true
Equal to (lhs = rhs) true
Not equal to (lhs != rhs) true
Or (lhs | rhs) true
Exclusive or (lhs but not rhs | rhs but not lhs) true
And (lhs & rhs) true

Non-comparable Values

When the lhs and rhs can not be compared (for example when the lhs is a String and the rhs is a Number), the result will be false, with the exception of the Not equal to operation, which will produce true as its result.

Operation Result
Greater than (lhs > rhs) false
Greater than or equal to (lhs >= rhs) false
Less than (lhs < rhs) false
Less than or equal to (lhs <= rhs) false
Equal to (lhs = rhs) false
Not equal to (lhs != rhs) true
Or (lhs | rhs) false
Exclusive or (lhs but not rhs | rhs but not lhs) false
And (lhs & rhs) false

Handling Nulls

While the Supported Operations section covered what happens when both lhs and rhs are Null values, a special behavior is in place when only the lhs or rhs are Null and the other side is of a supported type. In these situations, a new value is substituted for the Null in order to better facilitate comparisons with what are considered the types equivalents of Null.

Replacement for Null
Number 0
Boolean false
String ""


Expected Type Details Default
lhs List<Boolean, Number, or String> The left hand side of the logic operation. This list can contain a mix of the supported types. Unsupported types are treated as Null values.
operation LogicOperation The operation to be performed on the lhs and rhs lists. This value can be changed externally by assigning $.logic.operation = or similar. Equal to (lhs = rhs)
rhs List<Boolean, Number, or String> The right hand side of the logic operation. This list can contain a mix of the supported types. Unsupported types are treated as Null values.


Type Details
output Any or List<Any> Note: The parameter is read-only. The logical output of the selected operation, applied to the lhs and rhs. This result is a List if either lhs or rhs contained more than one item.


There are no functions exposed by this node.

Example Usage

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