Tech Note: Command Line Arguments

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Waltz supports several different command line arguments to launch into a file, run a show without the GUI, gather system information, or use experimental features. The following table shows you all the available command line arguments, as well as example usage where appropriate.

Argument Short Flag Description
--file {pathToFile} -f {pathToFile} Launch Waltz with the specified file.
--mode {mode} -m {mode} Launch Waltz in either headless or gui mode, depending on the specified mode. Defaults to gui.
--report-status {seconds} -r {seconds} How often, in seconds, a headless instance will write the current status to the console. Defaults to 0. Only applicable when --mode headless is set.
--system-analysis Run a system diagnostic and present the results in the console. Support may ask you to run this command if you are unable to launch Waltz to export a system diagnostic the normal way.
--x-no-ndi Skip the initial loading of NDI, including the NDI source finder. The NDI framework will be loaded the first time a node needs it, but the source finder will never start. This can be helpful when attempting to run Waltz on a system not capable of utilizing NDI.
--x-use-system-graphics-environment Use the default graphics environment for the system instead of OpenGL (macOS and Linux) or Direct3D (Windows). This can be helpful on Linux where OpenGL may not be the best choice for Graphics environment, or on Windows when Direct3D acceleration is not available (Win32 Graphics mode on Windows is considered unsupported).
--x-debug Enable verbose debugging throughout Waltz. Not recommended for production environments.
--help -h Provide a complete listing of available command line arguments for the current version of Waltz.

Take note that some builds and versions of Waltz may have different arguments available, and that the available arguments for any version of Waltz can be exposed by passing the --help or -h argument.